miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2020

Lenguas en poesía y danza


Take time to work.
It is the price of success.
Take time to meditate.
it is the source of power.
Take time to play.
It is the secret of perpetual youth.
Take time to read.
It is the way to knowledge.
Take time to be friendly.
It is the road to happiness.
Take time to laugh.
It is the music of the soul.
and take time to Love 
and be Loved.

adapted from Irish Prayer
Renée Locks Calligraphy and Art
Amber Lotus Publishing
reclycled paper and soy-based inks 
Printed in Korea
"senden, binden, bizden" Athena turkish poetry in music a ritmo de bolero

farsi alphabet
farsi poem about fall
Nourouz Greetings
Tinariwen "Iswegh Attay"

Amarg Fusion "Atay"

Amina Alaoui " ode to Ibn el arabi" mi religión, el Amor

"Mi mamakin"- Idan Raichel Project
de las profundidades del corazón a la luz de las almas

Pandita Rambai, profesora de sánscrito en el siglo XIX
más allá de las dificultades


"Gayayri mantra" by Cher, sanskrit universal magic 

   "dream on" Aerosmith

Ábrete corazón
feliz y mágico otoño desde el corazón

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