jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2016

Butterflies are some of the most beautiful creatures nature has given us.
Their vibrant colors and graceful floating dance from flower to flower is truly breathtaking. 
 Seeing them is always lovely and special.
 Some people believe that butterflies carry messages from angels
 or are signs from deceased loved ones. 
Butterflies have such a magical presence and quality
 that it’s easy to see why so much symbolism surrounds them.
Have you been seeing a lot of butterflies lately,
 either in your waking life or in your dreams?
  If so, the butterfly may be appearing as a power animal trying to tell you something
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Change is coming
If you’re seeing butterflies, you may want to ask yourself
 what changes you need to make to live more in alignment with your true, authentic self.
Or, if you’re already experiencing huge changes and transformations in your life, 
the butterfly may simply be appearing to remind you 
it’s going to be okay.  
Change is a normal part of life. 
 Trust in the process
 and rest wel
knowing that the gentle butterfly is helping to guide you through.
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Can you think of anything more free than butterflies
 as they glide gracefully from flower to flower?  
They are the epitome of freedom.
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Perhaps the butterflies you are seeing are trying to tell you to set yourself free. 
 If you are feeling closed in
 or purposely closing yourself off from people or opportunities,
 perhaps it’s time to stop. 
 It can be a scary process
, but let the butterfly inspire you 
to keep moving forward along your path.
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Live to the fullest
Butterflies generally have short life spans.
  Most live for only a week or two.
  Some species like the Monarch can live up to six months. 
Even so, that is not much time in the scheme of things.
Although we live much longer than the butterfly,
 life is short and time moves quickly
Sometimes we don’t realize it and all of a sudden,
 the years have slipped away.
 Butterflies teach us to enjoy the present moment
 and make the most of our existence here on earth.
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Nobody would disagree that the butterfly 
is one of the most beautiful creatures in nature 
with its vibrant colors and true grace.
  But the butterfly starts its life as a homely caterpillar.
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Only until it goes into its pupal state – 
goes deep into its inner self – 
does it emerge as the beautiful creature we see. 
 We all have the ability to go deep within ourselves
 and develop our beautiful qualities
 while letting go of our more ugly nature.
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The next time a butterfly crosses your path,
 take heed of this beautiful messenger. 
 You are obviously meant to receive a message of great importance!
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 thank you my little butterfly....

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