sábado, 13 de agosto de 2016

Esta luna llena*próximo nacimiento y renacimiento*

De diosas que nacen y renacen***

sigue tus sueños querida princesita que siempre llevo en el corazón, hemos compartido sueños y mundos de hadas, música y belleza en nuestras clases de inglés y vida*Estoy orgullosa que hayas seguido tu camino que nace de tu corazón y los sigues durante muchas lunas más***
Siempre ahí más allá del tiempo y el espacio...
diosa, parece que fue ayer cuando dábamos nuestras clases en casa, en el parque o en la piscina
no importaba ni importa el lugar sólo la voluntad de hacer aquello que deseas
keep on believing and always make your dreams come true***
"No dejes nunca de soñar porque en sueños es libre el hombre" decía Walt Whitman
y aquí las palabras de la diosa celta de donde viene tu nombre:


Message from Dana: "Your wisdom extends back to the far reaches of ancient times. You've brought this knowledge forward into your present incarnation, to be a way-shower so that others may benefit from your experience. Don't delay in expressing this wisdom. I will assist you in manifesting platforms for your spiritual teaching, whether its through teaching by example, or through writing or speaking. All forms of teaching are equally valuable, no matter how many lives you touch."

About Goddess Dana: High Priestess. Dana is one of the most ancient of Celtic Goddesses, extending to the pre-gaelic times of Ireland when Tuatha Dé Dananns (which means 'the children of Dana') followed her as their Creator Mother Goddess. When the Gaelics invaded Ireland, the Tuatha Dé Dananns transformed themselves into leprechauns, as they remain today. Dana, who's also known as Dannu or Danu, is extremely powerful and magical. She can help You with manifestation, alchemy, and Divine magic. She can also introduce you to the elemental kingdom, especially the leprachauns.

Meaning of Dana card: You have Divine knowledge that can help others through your spiritual teaching.

Additional meanings of this card: Lead workshops * Write books or articles * Look for opportunities to teach * Be a role model of peace * Honor your divinity * Know that you are a leader.

*Info from Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue*

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